CECCAR awards for Mazars - 2011

3 September 2011
Mazars has received 2 important awards at the 90-year anniversary of CECCAR [Romanian Chartered and Certified Accountants Body]:
  • Jean-Pierre Vigroux, Managing Partner - Award for the contribution to CECCAR development
  • Gabriel Sincu, Partner, Head of Tax & Outsourcing - Award for the contribution to CECCAR development

CECCAR [Romanian Chartered and Certified Accountants Body] has marked its 90-year anniversary by rewarding excellence in accounting.

It is an important reward and recognition for Mazars, a great result thanks to a team effort.

Newspapers extracts:

"Cultura profesiei contabile, nouă decenii de istorie"

"Congresul CECCAR aduce la Palatul Parlamentului elita mondială a profesioniştilor contabili":

"The Congress of the Accountancy Profession of Romania, the 18th Edition, has a tradition of 90 years and represents the greatest event ever organized by CECCAR, having a double signification: scientific action and an opportunity to review punctually the specific issues in the existing economic, social and political context.
All principles that guide the accountancy profession and the institutions that must communicate these principles have been affected by the economic and financial crisis enough to justify the reforms that have been started  and the commencement of new reforms in the field."